Signature Black Bear

This cute little Black Bear will always be your honey if you’ve got the honey! This lovable pet is always hanging around the Golden Honey Waterfall hoping to get a taste of its favorite treat. The Black Bear always has extra Honeycomb Custard tucked away in its back pocket, so be sure to ask!

12 Responses to Signature Black Bear

  1. bembear10 says:

    I was a toddler when I got this. As such, I named it Bear. .LOL

  2. delta30 says:

    I have one and it’s a girl and her name is called Sierra.

  3. 594nat says:

    Mine doesn’t have a name yet. It’s a boy, any name ideas? (This is a really cute small sig though!)

  4. jaybones says:

    I have on even know hes a sig hes smaller then the sig brown bear his name is rocky ps my sister has the sig brown bear

  5. migrubbs says:

    I hope this pet will be the next signature in the Estore and I’m going to get her. And I’m naming her Ursa.

  6. icestorm13 says:

    this reminds me of Lusa [which is what i'd name it]

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