Signature Giraffe

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7 Responses to Signature Giraffe

  1. Fracktail says:

    Woah, hey, I didn’t know there was a signature giraffe! Welp, now I know.

  2. fancielle says:

    ur entry for Signature Giraffe needs a large image and a link to its PSI which is the Signature Giraffe gift box. it would be really nice if there were also a link to whatever’s in the gift box.

  3. Exora says:

    Our Signature Giraffe is a beautiful and gentle creature. They’re great friends and very athletic, so sign them up for lots of physical education at the Kinzville Academy. And then you can reward them with some Evergreen Ice Cream. (by Exalla)

  4. migrubbs says:

    I hope this pet will be the next signature in the Estore and I’m going to get her. And I’m naming her Jenny. After the giraffe from Willa’s Wild Life.

    • BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

      Jenny is one of my favorite names! What is Willa’s Wild Life?

      • migrubbs says:

        Willa’s Wild Life is a French/Canadian/American animated television series. An endearing little girl with a unique home, Willa maneuvers her way through life’s trials and tribulations, aided by her loving father and the plethora of zoo animals she has as an extended family. Although she frequently makes her situations worse before they get better, her adventures offer valuable lessons to her young viewers.

  5. CanyonSkye says:

    I have this pet! It is totally awesome!

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