Signature Labradoodle

With a fuzzy coat and a sweet personality, the Labradoodle loves a good cuddle! This is one energetic pup, so be sure to spend lots of time outside playing. When it comes time for a break, your Labradoodle can chill out in their Cocoa Café Booth, with some yummy Labracadabra!

4 Responses to Signature Labradoodle

  1. Fracktail says:

    The plush looks so flabbergasted. “I ate WHAT??” XD

  2. love2uall says:

    ur entry for Signature Labradoodle needs a link to its PSI, the Cocoa Café Booth. thx!

  3. love2uall says:

    cuuuuuute!!!!!!!!! so fluffffffyyyyyy! i love his little face! gimme! gimme! gimme! he looks like he wants to play a game!

  4. mypuppydalmation says:

    this was my second pet same I got in 2011

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