Signature Siberian Husky

If you’re looking for a little more Northern exposure, look no further than the Signature Siberian Husky! This diligent dog is happy to be stationed in their Northern Research Igloo, especially when it’s time for a healthy and hearty meal made up of some Alaskan Baked Salmon!

49 Responses to Signature Siberian Husky

  1. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    So beautiful!! I think I can safely say that huskies are my absolute favorite dog breed. They’re so pretty! This plush portrays all that husky awesomeness!

  2. CrazyCatCrib says:

    Woah! Looks real!

  3. TheSpencenator says:

    it makes me want to watch a video with Luke in it by sassycat143!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. ilovemoonie says:

    i have one named james!

  5. lavadragon says:

    The plush is so pretty! :3 (That is an attempt at a kitty cat face)

  6. migrubbs says:

    I hope this pet will be the next signature in the Estore and I’m going to get him. And I’m naming him Steele from Balto.

  7. tota99sam says:

    I really wanted this Sig. But its over $100. Why so expensive? D:

  8. awesometeed789 says:

    i wish i had it every day i walk to school and one person in my hood has it in their car i want to knock on their door and ask if i can have it lol-awesometeed789 p.s. my dad wont let me

  9. migrubbs says:

    I hope this pet will be the next signature in the Estore and I’m going to get him. And I’d name him Steele from Balto.

  10. larvazoid says:

    this is my dream signature

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