Signature Snow Leopard

Cozy up to the beautiful Signature Snow Leopard! No stranger to the cold winds of their northern habitat, this sleek cat warms up on winter evenings with a hot cup of Cozy Cocoa! And whether they’re keeping a watch over their lands or simply taking a rest, you’ll often find them deep in the wilderness enjoying the view from their pristine Alpine Cave!

36 Responses to Signature Snow Leopard

  1. eskimo55 says:

    This pet is really cute, I so want it. Psi is cool too.

  2. etncpink says:


  3. ilovesnowleopards says:

    snow leopards live in the mountains not the jungle

  4. snowyzoo says:

    I think you should be able to get the snow leopard with Moneyz just like a virtual pet. <3 snowyzoo

  5. thunderky says:

    It’s a SNOW leopard. Not a jungle cat… obviously!!

  6. barnowl says:

    I once did some research on snow leopards and they normally live in the mountains (not the jungle!)

  7. barnowl says:

    i wish these sort of pets were easier to get a hold of without losing a lot of $.

  8. price1245 says:

    i love this pet.

  9. summercone says:

    i wonder where you can buy this stuff : I

  10. SnowRabbit1997 says:

    How in the world is a SNOW leopard a JUNGLE species?! It’s Winter!!!

    • sodakat2013 says:

      because lepord are jungle

      • zebb5 says:

        Yes, a regular leopard is infact a jungle wild cat but a SNOW leopard isn’t. ( hint the name is SNOW leopard ) I have done research this pet is a snowy area living wild cat.

        • Pablosfriend says:

          I agree with zebb5 and SnowRabbit1997, Snow Leopards are obviously an attic pet. They live in the tundra biomes of the world, and their markings are for camouflaging to the snow and grey bark of the frozen trees. The image for the pet is strange, why at least couldn’t the background be the same as the regular snow leopards background?

          • Fracktail says:

            Well, they do live in mountains, so maybe that counts as jungle in a way? They definitely don’t live in the tundra, since they predominantly live in mountain ranges in South Asia, if I remember correctly. Maybe it’s based on location as opposed to habitat? (Maybe that’s not the best way to sort them, but it might explain why it says jungle there…)

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