Signature West Highland Terrier

Bring the highlands home when you adopt a Signature West Highland Terrier! This wee laddie can spy adventure from far away, and they even have their own Enchanted Loch that holds some surprises of its own! And after a long hike over the highlands, serve them a fantastic feast made up of Highland Haggis to make them proud!

17 Responses to Signature West Highland Terrier

  1. rynniepoo says:

    I have this pet and I love her so much. Her name is Willow…I found her at Goodwill…for one dollar… with A CODE!!! BEST BARGAIN EVER!!

  2. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    I think I would name this pet McFarland. The pet just looks so…Scottish. It actually looks like a white version of the Scottish Terrier.

  3. Wycklyn says:

    ur entry for Signature West Highland Terrier needs a link to its PSI, the Enchanted Loch.

  4. kaylizJimCfan says:

    Where can I find this wee pup? I found one on Amazon but it’s almost $30! Does anyone know where I could find one that’s a little cheaper?

  5. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    So cute! It reminds me of the American Girl pet Coconut.

  6. glitteringduck says:

    cutest plush *EVER*

  7. lovepuppy54 says:

    very cute!

  8. 594nat says:

    This was a great idea! I have one named Ollie and he has an amazing room in Webkinz! ;-)

  9. snowdog2002 says:

    oh my word! it’s the signature version of my first pet EVER! i have to find this one!

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