Signature White Bengal Tiger

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25 Responses to Signature White Bengal Tiger

  1. bubble246 says:

    i love it! So cute. PS good description

  2. TigerKinzKG says:

    i looooooooove this pet! i really want it,it is my favorite webkinz!

  3. PinkiePuppylover says:

    cUUUUTTTTEEEE!!!!! love it! XD

  4. princess92748 says:

    I got this one and it is my favorite! It’s cute.

  5. icestorm13 says:

    My favorite animal is a tiger. They’re BETTER than lions ANY DAY. Anyway, I want this pet. That would be my 3rd tiger so far, I think. :)

  6. webkinzlover601 says:

    I just got it about 2 weeks ago on Amazon!!! Love it!

  7. sky28776 says:

    i will get it with my own money btw

  8. sky28776 says:

    im getting one sometime soon…

  9. sngirl03 says:

    you are so right

  10. EMANUEL3 says:

    Move over lion! The Signature White Bengal Tiger is claiming the title of king. One glance at this majestic pet, and you’re sure to fall in love. This is one cool cat who loves throwing parties for his friends, which is the perfect excuse to show off his White Tiger Crystal Fountain. Beneath his regal bearing beats a heart of gold! There’s nothing this noble animal wouldn’t do for someone else. The only reward necessary is a course of Rib Roast Royale at the end of the day.

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