Signature White Bengal Tiger

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25 Responses to Signature White Bengal Tiger

  1. cat2f says:

    I love its blue eyes!

  2. TaffyKitty12 says:

    I absolutely love this signature…. I highly recommend it!! :D I actually own two of them, hahah XD (I named my first one “James”… and because I liked the first one so much, I decided to get a second, which I named “Eric”)

    • TaffyKitty12 says:

      Wait… did I say my first tiger’s name is James? I meant to say his name is Bucky (his actual name that I named him is James, but because of the personality I chose for him, he prefers being called ‘Bucky’… it’s a, uh… long story, eheh. :P )

  3. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    Wow! This is one cute pet! I don’t have one though.

  4. RosyFox says:

    Ooh, I really want this Signature! It’ll probably end up on some sort of Wish List… ;)

  5. icestorm13 says:

    I finally have this pet! Her name is Raja. :)

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