Snowflake Hamster

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3 Responses to Snowflake Hamster

  1. nanabanana says:

    I have this pet but I can NOT find what her/her favorite food is. I have 124 pets and each has a different food but the Snowflake Hamster has no specific food listed for it. Their snack food is listed on their bio but not their favorite food. That can only be found in WShop and this one isn’t there. Does anyone know what it is?

  2. shuggylay says:

    I have this pet! I don’t remember where I got her. I kept her name of Snowflake, because I always keep the Mazin’ Hamsters’ names.

  3. 594nat says:

    I have this one! She was really difficult to find! Her fur is like Sparkles’. :-)

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