Snowy Owl

With bright eyes and beautiful feathers, the Snowy Owl is incredibly striking. This calm, cool pet has lots of friends and a very busy social life – but no matter what, the Snowy Owl is never too busy to help out a friend.

17 Responses to Snowy Owl

  1. cat2f says:

    Please make another snowy owl! I need one for my Harry Potter collection! I have a grey owl named Pig (or Pigwidgeon) after Ron’s owl, a lemur named Hermione (don’t even know why she is a lemur). I going to get the phoenix soon and name him Fawkes, so I really need Hedwig for my collection! (I also need Harry, Ron, and Crookshanks XD)

    • Beckinz8 says:

      I’m still looking for a Harry too. I adopted a golden lion tamarin as Ron (because he has red hair! LOL) I think that I’ll get a himalayan for Hermione. I have Fawkes. I have no idea who I would use for Dumbledore. I have an idea for Hagrid, and I need a really good idea for Professor McGonagall because she is my favorite! I would love Hedwig too, but I can’t afford it right now. I am glad to know that I am not the only one who adopts webbies based on movie characters!

  2. kittenloverz101223 says:

    It says “active” but in the image it says “retired”… and I REALLY WANT THIS ONE

  3. TigerKinzKG says:

    If i got one i’d name her Hedwig :3

  4. 594nat says:

    I really want this pet! I love the feathers and its feet! :-)

  5. Fracktail says:

    Cool! I love how its feet are covered in feathers, like real owls. I have a Snowy Owl plush, but it’s not the Webkinz. Its name is Spells and he’s a nutty scientist. :P

  6. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    That PSF is so funny!!!!! If I ever found this owl, I think I’d name him Glimfeather from The Silver Chair.

  7. migrubbs says:

    I hope this pet retires one day, because I always love getting the retired ones I like and the prices are just right. I’m naming him Capt. Snow from Redwall.

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