Spotted Turtle

This is one turtle that never has its head in its shell! Cheerful and outgoing, the Spotted Turtle loves meeting new Webkinz, and they’re always quick to make friends. After a big day of playing with their pals, treat your special spotted pet to a Peanut Butter and Jellyfish Sandwich!

13 Responses to Spotted Turtle

  1. ineedaspottedturtlebadly says:

    Any one know where to find a spotted turtle in Canada? 2017?

  2. lunch says:

    I have this guy. I named him Gravy. He keeps me company in the car.

  3. 594nat says:

    This is one of the cutest Webkinz yet! I have been looking for this one for a long time now so when I found him I was really happy! His name is McSheldon and I love everything about this pet! :-)

  4. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    I found this pet at Tuesday Morning! I’m going to name him Gamera (no, not Camera) after the Japanese turtle version of Goodzilla.

  5. lovlyhorses4 says:

    The plush is so cute!!! The virtual is so not.

    • joy2uall says:

      actually, i have one of these in my Love2uAll account, named Rochelle deLove, and she’s really cute online. she wears red sneakers and a red bow and she’s really great. i agree that the drawing of it above really isn’t appealing at all, but that’s not how you see her in ww. hope it helps! love to all! ♥

  6. jaybones says:

    I wish I had one! I already have a spotted frog

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