Stormy Dragon

The Stormy Dragon is one Webkinz Pet that loves to relax in the rain! Luckily there’s always a storm brewing in their Lightning Lagoon, and when it comes time to sip on something sweet, they always prefer a Shimmering Soda!

20 Responses to Stormy Dragon

  1. coconutwebkinz1 says:

    My dad has this dragon on his acount my job is to play with it! His name is King Thunder! (I made it up!)

  2. icestorm13 says:

    Mine is named Lightning :)

  3. snowdog2002 says:

    i love it but i wish it had yellow instead of silver for the lightning.

  4. spookythelavadragon says:

    Super adorable dragon! I absolutely LOVE the belly material. I named mine Hurricane. He’s so cute <3

  5. Melonslicer says:

    Its really cute! I kinda want one :D so shiny…

  6. gata says:


  7. fierywarmth says:

    I want one so badly; I’ll name him Bolt, which would go together with a Whimsy Dragon, and I’ll name her Lightning! Get it? Lightning? Bolt? Eh…?

  8. Exora says:

    She’s on her way to my place, too! I think I’ll put her in my Wycklyn account and call her Zoobaloo. I’m also getting Splash Dragon. She’s gorgeous!!!

  9. loki2 says:

    i am getting one tomorrow, I’ll keep you all posted, its name will be Loki and it will be best friends with my whimsy dragon Named Loki i guess the storm dragon is him in frost giant form LOL

  10. cutefinn373 says:

    i have the stormy dragon!!! her name is carrie

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