Striped Snake

Snakes are fantastic pets; they’re interesting, they’re friendly and most of all, they’re really unique! The Striped Snake truly is one of a kind. To make your serpent feel special, be sure to pick up a delicious Seasoned Mole Dariole at the W Shop!

8 Responses to Striped Snake

  1. lunch says:

    So many of my pets are retired! My snake is named Jessamine. She is a girly girl!

  2. 594nat says:

    I have one named Serpent! The snakes are so unique and I wish they made more plush ones.

  3. wbirkas says:

    i absolutely LOVE my striped snake! Her name is caro, she wins all the races at the webkinz stadium, and i got her a couple months AFTER she retired!

  4. kittycity says:

    It looks like a 6 legged monkey. No Offense.

  5. Fracktail says:

    I just wish the plush didn’t curl up into a circle. It makes it harder to play with.

  6. perler24 says:

    love this snake… LOOK AT ITS GIFT BOX lol

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