Sweetie Hamster

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5 Responses to Sweetie Hamster

  1. shuggylay says:

    I have this pet! I don’t remember where I got her. I kept her name of Sweetie, because I always keep the Mazin’ Hamsters’ names.

  2. 594nat says:

    I have one too! She was one of my first few hamsters. Luckily, Sweetie was pretty easy to find. :-)

  3. Fracktail says:

    This one was my first Mazin’ Hamster! Fitting, since my first Webkinz was a pink pony (which uses the same fabric. I liked cotton candy a lot okay)

  4. puppypower04 says:

    I have 2 of these… one of mine is dressed up like a Christmas tree…. don’t judge lol

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