Winged Dress

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10 Responses to Winged Dress

  1. AvzoraGW says:

    gorgeous! Ganz, could u make it available again? or recolor? lavendar or pink or yellow would all be lovely. thx!

  2. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    It’s green. And beautiful. But that’s obvious because it’s green. It’s green. (my favoritest color is green)

  3. passwordn2 says:

    looks like a Tinkerbell dress

  4. 4uLittleOne says:

    I’m wondering too how to find and buy this dress.It is too CUTE!!! oh please offer it in a challenge or as a prize soon in webkinz newz.. Great job in designing it .. Forever in love with everything Webkinz!!

  5. piggyfour says:

    Wow! That is really pretty! I really want that, though I have absoloutely no idea where or when you can get it!

  6. alpineleopard says:

    I NEED this dress!! So beautiful

  7. butter5145 says:

    how do you get this? is it going to be a deluxe girft box prize?

  8. sionnan says:

    Oh my! When and where is this available? Its so beautiful!

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