Nibbles’ Blue Christmas

I just got a Christmas card from Plumpy and now I feel even worse. Not because I’m not going to see her.  I mean, that’s awful and all, but the real reason I feel bad is because Plumpy seems so happy and excited about her new life and about all the adventures she is having with Charles, like this special award he is going to get. And the fact that she’s so happy makes me feel selfish for wishing that she was going to be home with me over the holidays. I do want Plumpy to be happy, really I do. The thing is – she was my sister before she was Charles’ wife and I can’t help feeling that I’ve been left behind. She said that she is going to come as visit us after the holidays and that she promises not to make a habit of missing Christmas with us. I guess this award is just a pretty big deal to them. So it should be a big deal to me too, right?

10 Responses to Nibbles’ Blue Christmas

  1. dogs5678 says:

    poor nibbles! maybe plumpy is coming back for Christmas and she’s just trying to surprise you.

  2. cathouse2 says:

    You should be very happy for Plumpy! I’m sure your Christmas will go just fine Nibbles! >>cathouse2

  3. Zora5000 says:

    Feel better Nibbles, dont feel like your left behind. Maybe you can find some other friends to play with when you cant be with your sister.

  4. >^..^< Catkin says:

    I’m sad for you, Nibbles. You shouldn’t feel guilty for missing your sister, it shows that you love her !

  5. Jordan says:

    Poor Nibbles. I bet Plumpy wiil come back for the holidays. Plumpy will come by airplane and Charles will stay where he is and get his award. Hope this helps.

  6. online says:

    Hey Nibbles! I understand how you feel. The best thing to do is to make new friends. Make a scrapbook about all the fun times you had. write her a letter. I’m an only child, but I know how it feels when you don’t someone you love for a long time. So I know how you feel. Hope this helps, online~~~

  7. Gabriella♥ says:

    How long do these things last anyway? I don’t have any friends or relatives that got married (but my older cousin might in a few years), so I don’t get how these stuff work. ♥

  8. online says:

    Hey Nibbles! I understand how you feel. The best thing to do is to make new friends. Make a scrapbook about all the fun times you had. write her a letter. I’m an only child, but I know how it feels when you don’t someone you love for a long time. So I know how you feel. Hope this helps, online

  9. Shirley says:

    It’s okay Nibbles, I understand how you feel. When I am older, I’ll be like plumpy. I am the oldest SOME kids, I am about about a 7 year difference with the youngest. So when I am in college, I’ll have a young teenager sibling. I hope that I’ll be able to come much more often than Plumpy, but that’show I feel.

    • Starlight says:

      You don’t have to be happy for something that makes loved ones happy, Nibbles. Noone can control your feelings. You don’t get feelings from someone else. But do try to be happy, for Plumpy and Charles! ~*Starlight*~

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