Reid’s First Christmas: Take 2

So today was the big day. My little brother Reid and I headed back to the Clubhouse to get our photo taken with Santakinz. I was really nervous. I mean, this was my last chance to get this present for my parents. If this photo didn’t turn out I would have to think of a completely new idea for my parents’ gift and Christmas is only a few days away!

We arrived at the Clubhouse and there was a line-up to sit on Santakinz’ lap. I waited in line and Reid seemed pretty calm, but he hadn’t actually spotted the big guy yet, so I wasn’t sure how he’d react. As we got closer to Santakinz, Reid seemed really enthralled by all of the glittery decorations. Then suddenly it was our turn. There was Santakinz right in front of us. When Reid spotted him, his eyes grew really big and I thought “Uh oh!” I was sure he was going to cry. But then Reid started giggling and actually reached out to Santakinz. I was so relieved!

I think my plan to desensitize Reid by showing him all those images of Santakinz had actually worked! Santakinz had gone from being a big scary guy with a beard to being the hero of all those books and movies we had watched.

I think the photo turned out pretty well in the end, don’t you?

11 Responses to Reid’s First Christmas: Take 2

  1. LovelyGirl says:

    Parents enjoy anything you give them. Reid was still little. He never ever saw santa kinz before. Your mom would of understood that. But still it’ your call! Merry Christmas!

  2. 000123 says:

    can u get your big prize from Santakinz still?

  3. cathouse2 says:

    Reid looks really cute when he was sitting with Santakinz! I’m glad Roberta worked it out! >>cathouse2

  4. christinekc says:

    I agree zeph317. And, if you want a X-mas gift (It may not be a good one) Friend me by9:30 Kinz time today and I’ll send one over. It won’t be good, but, its the thought that counts right? My user is christinekc. ~KC

    • zeph317 says:

      christinekc – if your offer was meant for me, thank you so much. I am not a full member because I haven’t bought a new Webkinz in over a year, so I can’t send gifts. I would not feel good about myself if I accepted gifts without being able to give in return. I hope you understand. Merry Christmas to you!

  5. #1BrokenstarFan says:

    I’m glad you got a good picture of Reid with Santa.

  6. rosebabyo9199 says:

    Nice, homemade gifts are always the best with parents(especially moms). Btw, anyone who needs a friend: rosebabyo9199 !

  7. acatwhorules says:

    I agree, @ zeph317.

  8. zeph317 says:

    This picture is really cute, but I still like the first one. It captured Reid’s first Santakinz visit. Why not give both of them to your parents?

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