Reid First Christmas Take 1

Wow. Just wow. I have no words for how my photo session with my baby brother and Santakinz went today. Well, actually there is one word that comes to mind – horrible!

So my mom said that I could take Reid to the Clubhouse with Cowabelle and it was all going really smoothly. Reid was happy and giggling the whole time. He loved all the lights and decorations in Kinzville.

Then we got to the Clubhouse and we went up to see Santakinz. Everyone loves Santakinz, right? Wrong! Reid took one look at Santakinz and started screaming his head off! Santakinz just laughed and said that it’s not uncommon for babies to be a bit scared when they first meet him. He said he thought it must be his beard. Whatever it is, this was not part of my plan! My parents don’t want a photo of Reid crying his eyes out!

What am I going to do? I thought this would be the perfect present and now it’s ruined!

12 Responses to Reid First Christmas Take 1

  1. Cuteknites says:

    lol, I know how that feels. for some strange reason I was never that scared of santa, but my little sis was. so we have a picture of me with santa smiling on one side and on the other my sister trying to escape from santa’s lap. we still have it XD and its the funniest thing ever XD. so don’t worry Roberta, just try until you get a good one and then give them the good one and the first one, becasue believe me, you will get some laughs out of it in later years :)

  2. redgreen says:

    sorta easy to guess

  3. Shadow_Wolf_Rises says:

    Reid is not cute when he’s crying.. Add me ~ spottytal

  4. #1BrokenstarFan says:

    My mom told me about my first time seeing Santa. She said that I was terrified and that when she took the picture, it looked like I was picking Santa’s nose.

  5. mary says:

    Aw poor Reid! How about Reid draws a picture of Santa? Kids love Santa because he gives gifts, but why are they scared of ‘himself’? Poor bunny! Try to convinse him that’s its OK and if he cries, he won’t get any presents from Santakinz!

    • SillyMissJSD says:

      Reid draw a picture? Sorry – babies cannot draw pictures. In fact, at his age, most drawing implements could be dangerous. He’ll just try to eat them. I think you should still give your parents the picture even if he is crying. Also – how about decorating Reid and yourself for the holidays and take another picture of the two of you together like that.

  6. zeph317 says:

    Roberta, give your parents that picture – it is priceless. It captures Reid’s first Santakinz experience and your parents will treasure it. You had a wonderful idea and the picture will make a wonderful present.

  7. goeaglesk says:

    When I was little I was sitting on Santa’s lap and my mother took a picture. About 10 years later I find the picture and I am either telling Santa what I want with lots of passion or I had a really big sneeze.

  8. Derp123 says:

    Yes, both these ideas are great :) I think that you should try another picture, but when Reid is sleeping or something. That should be better that a crying baby.

  9. Cupcake♥Love says:

    Yeah….this would be the same reaction as seeing the Easter Bunny. Like I said before, Reid might be a little to young to actually understand who Santa is and what Christmas is all about. Some advice would be to read to Reid Christmas stories about Santa and stuff like that, so he could have some understanding. I have a younger brother of my own so I should know. Good luck though!♥

  10. snowcares says:

    I knew that was going to happen! Maybe, Roberta you could have Reid draw a picture. That would cute, I know! ;)

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