Reid, Meet Santakinz

Okay, so since my plan to have Reid’s photo taken with Santakinz didn’t go so well the first time, I had an idea. Every single day I have been reading Reid every Christmas book, showing him every Christmas card, and playing him every Christmas movie that has Santakinz in it so that he’ll get used to Santakinz and we can take this photo without him crying. So far, so good. He seems to enjoy all the Christmas stories and for some reason he’s not scared of a picture of Santakinz. I just hope that when I take him back to the Clubhouse, he can handle the real thing!

4 Responses to Reid, Meet Santakinz

  1. angela says:

    didn’t roberta post this twice?

  2. aid6pink says:

    great idea roberta

  3. Miriam says:

    You could have an adult you know dress up as Santakinz a few times, too, and take Reid to visit them when they’re wearing the Santakinz outfit.

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