Roberta takes Charge

Well, readers, I hate to alarm you but my little brother Reid STILL has a runny nose. Obviously it was time to take some serious action. My mother didn’t seem to appreciate just how serious this is so I decided to take matters into my own hands. My mom asked me to keep an eye on Reid while she did some shopping so I took him to see Dr. Quack.


I put him in his stroller and we headed over to Dr. Quack’s office. As soon as we got there I noticed that, despite the face he was smiling and laughing Reid’s face was bright red. I knew he must have been really sick.


Dr. Quack was surprised to see me – my mom usually makes an appointment first, but I told him it was an emergency. I explained about the sniffles and then I pointed out that Reid’s cheeks were bright red. Dr. Quack said that my cheeks were red too and that it probably had more to do with us walking out in the cold than with being sick.



But he agreed to look at Reid. He took his temperature and looked in his ears and his eyes and his mouth (Reid kept giggling – poor baby didn’t realize how sick he was) and he listened to Reid’s heart with a stethoscope.


Afterward he said that I was a very responsible sister to take such good care of my little brother. Then he went in his desk drawer and pulled out a handful of what looked like lollipops. He told me that they were special medicine for Reid, and that I could let him suck on these special lollipops for a few minutes each day as long as I made sure to brush his teeth afterward. He said in a few days Reid should be as good as new. Then he winked at me and said he would see me at my next check-up.


See, readers? I knew it. I knew there was something really wrong with Reid. Thank goodness I took him to the doctor and got the special medicine. I don’t know what is in these lollipops but they must really be making Reid feel better because he seems to just love them.


Read more: The Sniffles, The Sniffles Turn into a Cough

60 Responses to Roberta takes Charge

  1. IDoNotHateThee says:

    Good job, Roberta!

  2. ilikekodi says:

    when i had a fever my face turned reddish

  3. MinecraftButterDog1 says:

    Roberta! It’s the sniffles. Nothing to worry about!

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