What Did the Kinz Get for Christmas?

Cowabelle here! Did you have a wonderful Christmas Day and give and get awesome Christmas gifts? I had a great time opening presents with my family (I got a trampoline for the backyard and a pretty purple dress) but I already want to know what my friends got yesterday! So I investigated. Here’s what I learned…


Salley Cat: Oh, hi Cowabelle! We had a great day yesterday, thanks! What did I get? A new trivia board game and a gift certificate to the W Shop! I’m happy as can be!


Alex Tiger: Hiya Cowabelle. How was your Christmas? Good? Mine, too. Not only did I get a test tube set from Roberta at school, but my parents also got me a book of experiments and a trip to the Science Center in the next town! I can’t wait to go.


Roberta Rabbit: Hey Cowabelle. Well, my Christmas was fun, except Reid kept pulling the Christmas lights off the tree…but anyway, it was funny watching him open his presents! I was lucky, too, because my mom got me some guitar lessons, something I’ve always wanted to learn!


Polly Panda: Hello!! Merry Christmas! Guess what, my mom MADE me a new sweater…she knitted it herself! It’s so comfy and I’ve hardly taken it off since. It might be my favorite gift ever because it was made with love!


Sparky Fact: How are ya, Cowabelle. Nice Christmas? Awesome. We had fun yesterday. We watched some Christmas movies and made a big yummy turkey. Plus I got two tickets to the Webkinz Stadium to see any event I want! I thought that was pretty cool.


Purr-Cilla: Oh, HI, Cowabelle. How good of you to call. My Christmas was absolutely lovely, thank you. I got a new pink vanity table, a polka dot TV and about a million plush toys for my bed. I’m quite pleased! But I do think my favorite event this holiday was the Secret Santakinz gift exchange. It was really fun to give away those chocolates.



It seems everyone had a great Christmas Day and received very thoughtful presents! Now it’s time to enjoy our gifts and spend time with our families. See you soon!


22 Responses to What Did the Kinz Get for Christmas?

  1. IDoNotHateThee says:

    That’s the Christmas spirit! Be content and give.

  2. twinkletwirly says:

    tribbles , so sorry you got sick. I know lots about feeling sick but never on Christmas. Hope you get well soon and that your Christmas wasn’t completely ruined because you were sick and that you got some nice things. twinkletwirly

  3. twinkletwirly says:

    For Christmas I got a charm bracelet with 5 charms, the Silversoft cat with code, books, the game of Life and much more! I’m as happy as someone who just walked on the moon!

  4. LoveWebkinzForeverGirl says:

    I got a grape soda pup, minty moose, groundhog, and a jack russel! I got more too, but those were the webkinz that I got! It sounds like everyone had a very nice Chrstmas! Happy new year!

  5. oilgal says:

    My Christmas was AWESOME! I got the sparkle harp seal,Signature white tiger,Butterscotch retriever,a camera,and more.

  6. ziggyszion says:

    I had an awesome Christmas! I got 3 Signature Webkinz!

  7. littlelady says:

    I got a Katniss doll too! I also got Epic Mickey 2. I got lots of lotions and make up! I sadly didn’t get any Webkinz. I wanted some!

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