Explore a MAZIN’ Castle!

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434 Responses to Explore a MAZIN’ Castle!

  1. snowpaw48 says:

    I wish I had a MAZIN hamster !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. pusicatgirl says:

    its a mazing and so beautyfule but i scary and blah blah!!!

  3. 6pinkiepie says:

    the hamster in the video is sooooooooooo cute! too bad it has to be at the estore. oh and i have 8 hamsters. snowflake, petunia, hope, cookie, pixie, sweetie, sparkel, and cinamon. mazin hamsters is so fun. i recomend it to anyone who doesn’t have it.

  4. Lil'lily says:

    It doesn’t work on my computer!

  5. club grl says:

    COOL!!!!!!!! i have a mazin hamster i named her luvy!

  6. nick says:

    i think there all awesome

  7. smartlemon says:

    i dont have a hamster and i think there weird and no point in haveing them so i hate the idea og them sorry but its true

  8. hk97 says:

    for those of you who cannot play mazin hampsters, this is how you make it work.

    first, you make sure you are not running the web browser google chrome. if you are, and your parents will not change it, you will not be able to play mazin hampsters.
    then, you download Unity Web Player http://unity3d.com/webplayer/
    if you happen to be running the linux operating system, or any variant, you are sunk.
    install unity web player:
    mac os users: double-click the .dmg file that just downloaded onto your computer, then open finder ( if it didn’t automatically, which it usually will) and double-click the installer icon.
    you will need an administrator’s username and password to run the installer.
    once you have started the installer, click the button that says next. keep clicking next until you can’t anymore (the licence agreement is not very important, just hit agree) click next one more time (or by now it may say install) to start installing unity. when it finishes, relaunch your web browser, and it ought to work, it did for me.

    Windows users:
    double-click the .exe file that just downloaded to your computer to open the installer.
    it should come up with a window that has a next button in the lower-rignt corner.
    click next as many times as you can before it gets to the page where you have to click on agree to continue the install. then click next again to start the install. when it’s done, relaunch your web browser. then you should be able to play mazin hampsters.

    just my two cents worth.

    - hk97

  9. nunu says:

    this video is so COOL!!!!!!!!!

  10. nunu says:

    that video is COOL!!!!!!!!!

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