Chef Gazpacho’s Missing Recipes Contest Winners

Thanks to everyone that helped out Chef Gazpacho! We are happy to announce the following winners:

Silk Sparrow: Laura, Genell, Sierra, Emily, Morgan, Jean, James, Bryce, Kiera and Felicity

Sparkling Pegasus: Josh, Elizabeth, Cosey, Madelyne, Levi, Joy, Shaby, Kelsey, Adam and Laura.

Congratulations to all our winners and keep your eyes on Webkinz Newz for more great contests!

201 Responses to Chef Gazpacho’s Missing Recipes Contest Winners

  1. Beautiblu says:

    congrats :) but i neverrr (say it longly) won a contest :( i like joining them bet i never win so my oppinion is that it is not fair when it comes to contest

  2. Kylie says:

    OK! I have been waiting to find out the winners and i finally found them. Congrats to the winners, but i worked so hard to find the recipies and other people gave away the answers! I AM JUST SO MAD! But again, congrats to the winners.

  3. irene says:

    i wish they picked me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:p:p:p:p:p

  4. Collie717 says:

    Aw, come on! :( I entered but didn’t win. But I hope I win the Love Kitten contest!! :D

  5. sierra says:

    my name is sierra i wonder if its me

  6. Bluepeso says:

    Why so little winners? Why can’t it be like 20?!?!? (P.S please say you agree if you really agree.)

    • rosie says:

      there were 20 10 birds and 10 horses

    • Mikhaela Speaks Her Mind says:

      I agree with you but you shouldn’t to be so mad and take your anger out on the people who did win. It hurts yes but think about what you say your hurting them too. I’ve entered few contests but I am more of a story contest person. And i am happy for the people won(by the way congrats)Like this spelling bee i was in i didn’t add a e to the the end of breath so I am an alternative(3rd place winner). But be happy someone else won maybe you’ll win and the don’t. or vise versa.

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