Chef Gazpacho’s Missing Recipes Contest Winners

Thanks to everyone that helped out Chef Gazpacho! We are happy to announce the following winners:

Silk Sparrow: Laura, Genell, Sierra, Emily, Morgan, Jean, James, Bryce, Kiera and Felicity

Sparkling Pegasus: Josh, Elizabeth, Cosey, Madelyne, Levi, Joy, Shaby, Kelsey, Adam and Laura.

Congratulations to all our winners and keep your eyes on Webkinz Newz for more great contests!

201 Responses to Chef Gazpacho’s Missing Recipes Contest Winners

  1. busymom122 says:

    Thank you Ganz for giving us all bunnies this week. We named our bunnies Thankful and then on top of that you blessed us with a silk sparrow. We named her Blessed. Thanks and Blessing Busymom’s Family

  2. quasta123 says:

    i wish i could of won i want an estore pet :(

  3. Jenny says:

    Why cant I ever win a quick draw??????:(

  4. P7N9 says:

    My name is Laura too. I don’t know if I’m the winner, but congradulations to those who won.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Jeez, everybody just stop it! Congratz to the people who won!

    If you are so mad that you didn’t win that you feel like going on a forum for kids and write comments that put the winners down, then be that way.

    And I bet a whole lot of you just coppied of others to get the chances to win, and you blame it on innocent others. STOP SAYING THAT THE WINNERS JUST CHEATED. Just deal with it. Maybe they did, maybe they didn’t.. @Judy Aww, thats too bad. I hate when people cry, it makes me feel so bad. :( I hope you people learn a lesson out of this. :/

  6. Emily says:

    Oh my, my name is Emily!
    I wonder if that is me. :)

  7. Mikhaela Speaks Her Mind says:

    Listen just because YOU lost and SOMEONE else won doesn’t mean their parents work at Ganz. It says in the rules that the chances of winning depends on how many people actually enter. So lets say that 100,000 people entered(just a guess)and your one of them, but there’s only 10 winners. If you won you had TOTAL LUCK. But let’s say you lost. You and
    89,000 other people did too. So STOP complaining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. rosie says:

    hey i wanted to point out that during the entering time people kept posting the answers i post and no one listens to me i said it was hurting your chances of winning if your sad and you posted the answers in the comments(don’t know who aren’t good with names) next time there’s a contest like this keep the answers to yourself because if you post in the comments how many people will see that then go enter the contest if you want better chances of winning don’t post the answers in the comment

    • carrots and clover says:

      Has any one found the hopping bunny?

    • Mikhaela Speaks Her Mind says:

      I agree with you Rosie. I think people shouldn’t post any thing you put in a contest people take it. One time this girl(or boy,can’t remember)had posted his/her story in comments than this girl said she liked it and was going to use it. Your right people are hurting their chances in winning and I’m totally listening to what you have to say.

    • lisiec8 says:

      well SOME people are nice and help people so they have a chance to! BTW if you didn’t know the answer wouldn’t you like it if people told you the answer! there only obeying the golden rule and there’s nothing wrong with that think about that.why do you think webkinz put up the comments anyway?!
      PS sorry if this sounds mean i’m not trying to be mean i didn’t know how else to word it.

  9. tambah says:

    Whoa I cannot bielve how many peeps are so mad and rude because they did knot won. My bff won and her parents do not work for webkinz. Everybody that enter had a fare chance to won. It just was not your turn. I no mybff was say that she will knot enter anymore contest that give these pet as prize because she wants other peeps to have a chance. It makes me sad that peeps have to be sour grapes.

  10. noah tessier says:

    i know im not a winner because i don’t know what this conest is about!!!! have i been missing something??!!

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