MAZIN’™ Hamsters “Leap of Faith Flags” Maze Set Returns!





If you missed your chance to earn a Leap of Faith Flags trophy, or you were just looking for a bigger challenge, it’s truly time to Go MAZIN’!

The nine mazes in this “find the flag” set (3 easy, 3 medium, and 3 hard) have all had some renovations to make them more fun, so even if you’ve been through them before, you should take another tour and see what’s new!

Keep in mind, this is still a hard set, so earning your trophy will be a real challenge and take some time. But the greater the challenge, the greater the feeling of accomplishment when you complete it!

So drop on by the Mazes section and take a Leap of Faith today!






16 Responses to MAZIN’™ Hamsters “Leap of Faith Flags” Maze Set Returns!

  1. Michael Jackson's #1 fan says:

    Wow! I’m soo happy that they decided to bring this set back! This is one of my favorite sets, And It looks a though, some of the maze sets just went on a several month hiatus.

  2. hannahsox says:

    I will definetly have to check that out!!! Mazin’ hamsters is sooooooooooooo cool!!!!!

  3. christian says:

    I agree. i would love new mazes and challenges

  4. EEEWEWEWE says:


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