New Rooms at the MAZIN Mall!

There are some sensational new rooms available to be bought and built for your own mazes!





Pay a visit and check out Foosball and the Golden Gated Rainbow Room! These stunning fun rooms will make a great addition to your mazes!

32 Responses to New Rooms at the MAZIN Mall!

  1. Kcdy says:

    I think that you should be able to still see people online while your playing Mazin’ Hamsters and also add a new room that you can interact in.

  2. ekb26 says:

    hey guess what. im on the newz blog. who would of guessed.

  3. JAKELLY says:

    hey really cool rooms! i love them! why does it have to be 2 hamsters?!?! all the really cool ones have 2 3 and 5!!!! what’s up with that?!?!? PLEASE EVERY ONE WHO LOOKS AT MY NAME DO NOT COPY!!!PLEASE! IT SAYS JAKE AND KELLY BUT PUT TOGTHER! JAKElly jaKELLY I AM A GENUS OR WHAT!?!

    p.s my best friend jake and i made it up. my name is really kelly
    love JAKElly or jaKELLY

  4. Joanna says:

    I have three mazin hamsters so I can build all three.

  5. MitaWebkinz says:

    I love it ! Is super!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I like Pie says:

    Cool. My maze has so many rooms and not enough tubing.

  7. Kiann says:


  8. psalm19119 says:

    HEYDOGPOWER234, DON’T SAY GRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. dogpower234 says:

    omg why is there mazn hamsters things only for 2 hamsters it is not fair i want it but i cant because i have one hamster grrr.

    • I Like Pie says:

      Wait until there’s one thaat you absolutely adore and find some way to get the money to buy it right now there’s 4 tht I especilly love and I have 2 of them My Snowball and Furball

  10. harleyprincess68 says:


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