New Rooms in the MAZIN’ Mall

If you’ve been looking to make some major maze renovations, pay a visit to the MAZIN’ Mall and you’ll find some great new additions for your maze builder! Check out the challenging Temple Traps, Medieval Gauntlet, Conveyor Belt, or Topiarches Hedge Maze Rooms.

Catch the eye of the Community with these awesome new areas!


139 Responses to New Rooms in the MAZIN’ Mall

  1. Momo says:

    I love mazin hamsters. There awesome. I cant believe they have a mazin hamsters mall!

  2. sierra says:

    iv got a mazin hamster, but just how do you get to the mall?

  3. carly rocks says:

    how do you get to the hamster mall

  4. vamb123 says:

    sweet!!!!!!!!!! got my 1st hamster today yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. 451128 says:

    soooooooooooooooo cool i need that stuff!!!!

  6. 1566plateau says:

    this is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Garneta says:

    I really do not have a mazin hamsert but i want one

  8. Bianca says:

    This is awsome!How can I get them?Please write back right away!My username is:peny321kllf

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