Webkinz Newz Exclusive – Hamster Explorer Leaks Sneak Peak of the New Lagoon Zone!





First they gave us an early glimpse of the incredible Moolah Mountain, now the unknown Hamster Explorer has leaked images of the Hamster Hamlet Lagoon Zone exclusively to Webkinz Newz! 







































From what we can see, it looks like this new area of the Hamlet is going to be completely unlike the earlier Forest and Mountain Zones.  Not only does the lagoon feature a darker, phosphorescent feel, but we have been informed that it is filled with secret surprises for other adventurous Hamster explorers to discover!














We were also told to pay close attention to the golden propellers all around the lagoon. This may have something to do with the question we posed, “Will the challenges be any easier in this new zone?” –to which the Hamster Explorer cryptically responded,

“When Hamsters fly…”


Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz for the latest on this breaking story!

187 Responses to Webkinz Newz Exclusive – Hamster Explorer Leaks Sneak Peak of the New Lagoon Zone!

  1. Jitterbug says:

    Best guess of when the Lagoon comes out? Wednsday. Notice that the newspaper (on webkinz world) changes on wednsday Spree came out on a wednsday so i think that we will have some more posts about it and then it will come out on wednsday. I also think it will have some problems at first. Did anyone notice the problems on Moolah Mountain? I couldn’t get on it at first but then it worked out

  2. punkypunkgirl says:

    wow!! that is so pretty! i can’t wait! i have two mazin’ hamsters!!!

  3. Shelby says:

    THIS LOOKS SOOOOOO COOL!!!!!!!! WHEN, WHEN, WHEN is it coming out????!!!! I can’t wait to get to explore it with my hamster!

  4. aep2186 says:

    what do they mean by log on

  5. Maris says:

    OMG ! OMG ! OMG ! OMG ! When is it coming out !

  6. KwayAnimal says:

    Beautiful! I like this better than the others. I’ll be looking for it!

  7. Duckgirl says:

    that looks soooooo cool i havent got a mazin hamster but i want one i proboly wont be aloud to get one for a while because i just got 3 new webkinz so yeah it will proboly be a while

  8. Posters says:

    I really love it! Can’t wait to get back on to Mazin’ Hamsters, but I don’t know how!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. asscott says:

    It’s actually very pretty. I can’t wait to explore this bad boy.

  10. Reese says:

    This is absolutly incredible!

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