Webkinz Newz Exclusive – Hamster Explorer Leaks Sneak Peak of the New Lagoon Zone!





First they gave us an early glimpse of the incredible Moolah Mountain, now the unknown Hamster Explorer has leaked images of the Hamster Hamlet Lagoon Zone exclusively to Webkinz Newz! 







































From what we can see, it looks like this new area of the Hamlet is going to be completely unlike the earlier Forest and Mountain Zones.  Not only does the lagoon feature a darker, phosphorescent feel, but we have been informed that it is filled with secret surprises for other adventurous Hamster explorers to discover!














We were also told to pay close attention to the golden propellers all around the lagoon. This may have something to do with the question we posed, “Will the challenges be any easier in this new zone?” –to which the Hamster Explorer cryptically responded,

“When Hamsters fly…”


Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz for the latest on this breaking story!

187 Responses to Webkinz Newz Exclusive – Hamster Explorer Leaks Sneak Peak of the New Lagoon Zone!

  1. HEYHI says:

    one word AWSOME. cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!! :) make more stuff like that!!!!! webkinz you rock!!!!!!!!! 8) luv you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):)

  2. catzrule says:

    I have the Willow Mazin’ Hamster this place looks SO like her favorite spot! There are Willow trees here so she should love it as much as I do!

  3. Webkinzgirl says:

    Awesome! When does it come?!?!?!?!?!?!

  4. christian says:

    I can hardly wait. It looks like great fun. Yes, it is time for new challenges.

  5. Keara says:

    This is so beautiful!!! Now if theyd only fix it so we dont get signed out all the time and lose all our Moolah or Kinz cash. its no fun if you cant play without getting thrown off for no reason!!

  6. MazinDreamer says:

    Omg! That has got to be the COOLEST ONLINE THINGY EVER!! I SO want a Mazin Hamster. Getting one for my birthday! This July! (I want Midnight or Meadow!)

  7. Eleanor says:

    I hope they have fixed all the bugs before this comes out. Everytime I go into Hamsters I either get kicked out before I collect my money or prizes or my Internet shuts down before I can log out of Webkins.This new Lagoon Zone looks amazing, can’t wait.

  8. catzrule says:

    IT LOOKS SOOOOO COOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOOOOOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. EllySilverStar says:

    OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Wow! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT! It is so beautiful, I hope they make it soon! I will stay there forever! I love how it is all blue and silver, like a spring night with a full moon. Ganz, you did a WONDERFUL job with this! I can’t wait till it comes out!

  10. sunshineak says:

    Those are way cool but everytime I do amazin hamster stuff it kicks me off and then I dont get awarded the gift or moolah…it makes me very sad…

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