With the help of the unknown Hamster Explorer, Webkinz Newz was the first to reveal the secret images of the Lagoon last week, and now we’re happy to report that this new zone has been opened up for all Hamsters to enjoy!
Visiting Hamsters are reporting the dark but beautiful lagoon is filled with surprises at every turn! There are exciting new places to explore including a giant tree, ancient ruins, waterfalls, and much, much more!
But the best new feature of all is the golden propellers. Just run up to any golden propeller and your pet will have the ability to fly anywhere in the lagoon! Each propeller only lasts a short time, but there are lots to be found so your Hamster is sure to have a wild whirly time!
It’s a problem with Windows Vista. Just use a computer that doesn’t run Vista, and you can visit the Lagoon Zone. Hope this helped you! :D
I dont believe you have that much cause thats to much
that flying sure looks fun.
WOW thats cool ;)
This is for all the people whose computers were crashed because of the new Mazin’ Hamsters Lagoon. I am on my 3rd computer. The first one was knocked out by a storm(I was little then), and the second was hacked. The feeling I had when I was hacked I NEVER want to feel again. So if you aren’t sure about trying something new on the Web, DON’T. There are some things on computers that aren’t good things.
Wow sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool.:p
TOO BAD I CAN’T AFFORT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:[
This game is a good game and interesting game sooooooooooo i think that this is sooooooooooooooooooo soooooooooo soooooo cool the game.
omg this is soooo cool!!!!!!!!
I agree. Playing with Zums is rather boring. No challenge at all. Not like Hamsters. Perhaps Webkinz will do something to make them more challenging and fun.
I have every 2011 January-June PET OF THE MOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!