Webkinz Newz Exclusive – Hamsters Fly in the New Hamlet Lagoon Zone!











With the help of the unknown Hamster Explorer, Webkinz Newz was the first to reveal the secret images of the Lagoon last week, and now we’re happy to report that this new zone has been opened up for all Hamsters to enjoy!

Visiting Hamsters are reporting the dark but beautiful lagoon is filled with surprises at every turn! There are exciting new places to explore including a giant tree, ancient ruins, waterfalls, and much, much more!

But the best new feature of all is the golden propellers. Just run up to any golden propeller and your pet will have the ability to fly anywhere in the lagoon! Each propeller only lasts a short time, but there are lots to be found so your Hamster is sure to have a wild whirly time!


593 Responses to Webkinz Newz Exclusive – Hamsters Fly in the New Hamlet Lagoon Zone!

  1. Rux says:

    Yeah !!!!! Is amaizing !!!!!! The lagune is beautiful !!!!

  2. Love10014 says:

    I dislike it!

  3. gwenelizabeth2 says:

    BTW-there is a moohlah Max. if you do dallies then challenges–about 1/2 way thru 2nd challege you will notice that on level rewrd page-what you got for level-you will notice that the moohlah amount is 0. write down amount before > keep track of winnings> then compare amounts.

  4. gracehaslove says:

    lol i love it

  5. GISELLE says:


  6. JTien99 says:

    Oh my gosh I went on MAZN’ hamster today and the lagoon is SO SO SO SO SO! beautiful! all the beautiful graphics! I love it! I also suggest you make a sky zone where hamsters can walk on some clouds I thin that would look pretty cool. :) or a beach zone.

  7. Marissa says:


  8. Diamond9203 says:

    So beautiful! I just tryed it a couple minutes ago, great job, Ganz! :3

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