Welcome to the Hamlet Crossroads!





There’s a whole new way to travel between zones in the Hamster Hamlet! Now when you visit the Hamlet, click on the Challenge Zones button and you’ll appear at a special crossroads area with 3 gateways. On the left is the Forest Zone, in the middle is the Mountain Zone, and on the right is the new Lagoon Zone.  Choose which zone you want to visit simply by walking through one of the gates!











When you want to return to the crossroads from any zone, just return to the spot where you started and you’ll find a gate there to take you back.

But before you choose a gate, remember to take a moment to enjoy the view. You never know what you might see develop at the crossroads someday…

Now you can have more fun getting around the Hamlet!

382 Responses to Welcome to the Hamlet Crossroads!

  1. maggie says:


  2. zilladilla says:

    hey guys! ive been having a problem,every time i click on the hamster hamlet, it loads than goes blank! does anyone else have this problem? if so please tell!!

  3. newbiesnow says:

    GO WEBKINZ!!!!! me like w.!

  4. logx50 says:

    Awesome! Hope you have fun! ROCK ON WEBKINZ

  5. bibiss says:

    cool I want won

  6. daniel says:

    never played

  7. lucy says:

    so cool i will bring presto with me

  8. Dottiespottie says:

    I want one! I’m begging my mom to find a store that sellls them.

  9. livvy says:

    i sort of like mazin hamsters but the world arent a blast.mazin hamsters are cool when you do the mazez though.:)

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