A Wacky Log Out Reminder!









When it’s time for you to leave Webkinz World, use the “Log Out” button and you’ll get to play three great carnival games!

In the first game, you’ll get to set meters and then test your strength to see how high you can make Wacky go! If he hits the top bell, you’ll get something very cool!

In the second game, you’ll be able to help the Zangoz take a few whacks at the piñata – will he be able to break it? Hopefully, because if he does, there’s something inside for you!

In the third game, throw three darts at some Wacky-looking balloons. What’s inside? Pop ‘em to find out!

So remember: if you want to play these terrific games, use the Log Out button in the Things to Do menu, or in the upper right area of your screen. You can play each game once a day and you never know what kind of great stuff you’ll win!

637 Responses to A Wacky Log Out Reminder!

  1. calin1961 says:

    I love play wiith WACKY ; it”s 3 games. Very cool.

  2. nikol says:

    i like this game

  3. webkinz21 says:

    I think it is fun because i get more kinzcash and I need it! I have $1380 now because I got a outdoor yard! Things are so much money these days! I had $2470 before!

  4. Maymoose1 says:

    Thanks Packerdan205. I was not able to “uncheck” the box, but it FINALLY worked for my son. He is sooooooo HAPPY!!!!

  5. adisish says:


  6. calin1961 says:

    How are you today . This room is SPECIAL.

  7. alexis says:

    its wierd my sister never ever got to do it yet i did but not my sister she is so mad every time she gets bearley any time to play because she trys it but it just wont work i try to help but still no luck it just does not work i give up and so does my sister

  8. jessy123 says:

    my cumputer is not loding!

  9. juliaapple says:


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