A Wacky Log Out Reminder!









When it’s time for you to leave Webkinz World, use the “Log Out” button and you’ll get to play three great carnival games!

In the first game, you’ll get to set meters and then test your strength to see how high you can make Wacky go! If he hits the top bell, you’ll get something very cool!

In the second game, you’ll be able to help the Zangoz take a few whacks at the piñata – will he be able to break it? Hopefully, because if he does, there’s something inside for you!

In the third game, throw three darts at some Wacky-looking balloons. What’s inside? Pop ‘em to find out!

So remember: if you want to play these terrific games, use the Log Out button in the Things to Do menu, or in the upper right area of your screen. You can play each game once a day and you never know what kind of great stuff you’ll win!

637 Responses to A Wacky Log Out Reminder!

  1. Boneleg says:

    I love the balloon dart games!!!! They’re my absolute favorite to come on on the “todays activities” page :D AWESOME!

  2. krite says:

    i cant get to the games its sooo hard i cant log out of webkinz

  3. Allheart130 says:

    It’s weird, when I tried to log out, it didn’t do any games! :\

  4. CocaCola says:

    I have third ads (HOP) turned on and it works. It has to be a glitch. But then, I cant get into Spree 80% of the time. Good Luck everyone hope it works for you soon!!

  5. Unknown says:

    if you are having trouble accessing the carnival go to your pets page the blue button under you pets picture when you log in, then click the my options button when you get to my pets page, there should be a box and if its checked uncheck it by answering the security question after that the box should uncheck and then you can log out and the carnival will come up GOOD LUCK!!!!!

    Unknown !!!!

  6. Blueberrymuffin says:

    I’m so happy because it worked for me!I’m sorry for everyone who it doesn’t work for though :( . I hope you guys get your carnival to work because it’s sooooooooo fun.Good luck and have fun!

  7. lusy80 says:

    this isn’t working for i always use the logout button but no games ever pop up! :(

  8. eyepony says:

    i just love this little carnival thing

  9. sad:( says:


  10. Wanda says:

    This fixed it for me:
    1. click the blue dog silhouette with the yellow + on it next to your pet in the bottom left corner.
    2. Click the tap “My Options”
    3. Unselect the checkmarked box
    4. You’re done! Now try logging out.

    If you have forgotten your security question and you had one set……
    5. Go to this link: Webkinz
    6. Fill out the form to reset your password (it’s towards the bottom)
    7. It may take a couple days for them to reset the password. So sit tight!
    8. Once it is reset go back and do steps 1-4!

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