Awesome Key Craze Prizes!

The Hamster Hamlet sure is fun – there are so many great things to do there! One of the most fun activities has to be the Key Craze. When you play this terrific activity, you run around and search for keys. Bring the key back to the treasure chest and see if you can open it. If so, you’ll get a present! Have a blast playing Key Craze!

155 Responses to Awesome Key Craze Prizes!

  1. Mr Bear says:

    I have trouble finding keys to :( Just keep trying.

  2. 2ANAKIN7 says:

    I have the tree (willow’s) the suntan lotion (sunshine’s) and the snowglobe (snowflakes)

  3. madeline02 says:

    My username is mge02. the 0 is a number. This is for unicorn123.

  4. madeline02 says:

    hey, unicorn123! Here is a story! Once upon a time there was a unicorn named Sparkles. Sparkles loved things magestic and sparkely. One day she found a tiara with real rubies on it! Since then, it was her luckeist tresure. She showed people the tiara, and she got TONS of comments! Now she’s the most popular unicorn in Webkinz World! The end.

    • unicorns123 says:

      Hey, madeline02! I LOVED your story! Maybe you should consider becoming an author when you get older. That’s what I want to be. Keep on writing!

  5. Abigail says:

    I think it is CRAZY!! it is only for MAZIN HAMSTERS!!!! but it is cool. FRIEND ME IT IS Abby2876

  6. PINAPAULINA says:

    Hey unicorns123 can you be my friend please because you are really nice, PINAPAULINA is my username and its all capitals. Please do, also I got this mazing hamster object called Prestos magic hat. Is that rare?

  7. geotraxboy says:

    Really, that’s so cool. I have lots. I NEVER failed.

  8. puykuk says:

    I won always but I can’t won the TwilightBallGownN and the new prizes! I always won cookie’s cookies

  9. ZuMmBudDiEEEEE says:

    Cool but does everybody know how like the hamsters have there own rare or commonness, so does the prizes? The rarest one is twilight’s ball gown. It took me a week of key craze to get it. Anyone else have that problem who want it?

  10. Bdog says:

    I Love Key Craze! It’s defenitely my favorite part of Mazin’ Hamsters… I only need Zap’s ball-thingey. I think you should add more prizes. There isn’t anything for Carrot is there? Anyways, if anyone has Zap’s thiney, please add me and send it. I will send a Snchuazer car for it! I REALLLLY WANT IT!!! Thanks! :)

    • unicorns123 says:

      Oh, yeah! I LOVE the Key Craze! It’s sooo fun! I usually get prizes and the food decorations I add to my diner! Sorry, I don’t have the Zap’s ball-thingey. But if I get one, what’s your username so that I can send you it? Good luck on getting one!

    • eva6000 says:

      I LOVEKEY CRAZE!but you should get new prizes.

    • 2273 says:

      hey Bdog good luck on finding Zaps ball-thingy. i hope u get it. u know what im also trying to find zaps ball-thingy. i guess its just really hard to find in the key graze. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reply. thanks. oh and if unicorn123 wants to chat with me on any page at all id be happy to. and if unicorns123 does to than its her choice what page we chat on. unicorns123 PLEASE REPLY.

    • kittycat1941 says:

      I need your user name to send it to you.

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