Chocolate Eggs and Prizes!








From April 18-24, you’re going to want to keep your eyes on Webkinz World and Webkinz Newz for some tasty eggs! Why are eggs so important? When you feed one to your pet, you have a chance to win an amazing Spring Celebration prize! There are lots to be won, so get as many eggs as you can!

394 Responses to Chocolate Eggs and Prizes!

  1. anna says:


  2. SepFan101 says:

    my username is MIGAQ.

  3. lilmama24702 says:

    i got 5 and they were kind of all the same

  4. gafili01 says:

    this site is so awsome

  5. AHHHH!!!!!!!! says:

    can someone please tell me where to find the white egg or where to find peek a news. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

  6. miamontana says:

    where are the white eggs if you tell me i will send you rare clothess

  7. amyms2 says:

    This is HORRIBLE! TWICE I have logged into my account and did not get my chocolate egg for the day. I wish I had gotten my eggs!

  8. MandarinApples says:

    I cant get a water wheel, but I keep getting Spring Blazers and Egg Baskets!

  9. cccc84 says:

    Oh my goodness I can not find the egg anywhere! I really want the prizes!!!!!!!!

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