Chocolate Eggs and Prizes!








From April 18-24, you’re going to want to keep your eyes on Webkinz World and Webkinz Newz for some tasty eggs! Why are eggs so important? When you feed one to your pet, you have a chance to win an amazing Spring Celebration prize! There are lots to be won, so get as many eggs as you can!

394 Responses to Chocolate Eggs and Prizes!

  1. emilyeide80 says:

    I can’t find a white egg either but I love the contest and I love that the prizes are different every day. it is cool!!!!!!!!!!

  2. IDK I FORGET! says:

    whats the difference between the brown and white egg? IM CONFUSED

  3. kayla says:

    these are going to taste amaaaaaaaaazingggggg :D

  4. hannah says:

    webkinz is my favorite game in my hole entire house i play on it every day because its so fun if any of you out there are bored then get a webkinz get on and hit new member and follow the instructions and get started on webkinz it is so fun that you wont believe your alive!

  5. MEH says:

    Whenever it is a new day and u log on2 webkinz,it says look in your dock for a chocolate Easter egg , and eat it for a special prize!!!

  6. sugarpie says:

    I found a milk-chocolate egg. :D I got an Easter Egg Picnic basket. Good luck to the rest of you! :)

  7. Kenny says:

    the eggs are okay, but webkinz users should not be wasting their time on eggs. They could make more of our suggestions reality. Who’s with me?

  8. youknowwho says:

    I need that waterfall thingy!!!!!!

  9. MzAttitude14 says:

    UUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANT FIND THE WHITE EGGS ANYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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