Head Over to the Restaurant!

Have you been to our Restaurant Room in the Clubhouse? If not, check it out! It’s a fantastic place to visit and play. You can pretend to be a waiter or a restaurant guest – and you can use the neat chatting menus to talk! Put on your best outfit and head over to the Clubhouse for tons of fun.

82 Responses to Head Over to the Restaurant!

  1. Bat And Polar Bear. says:

    “Can i have a Seat/Table near the Window?”
    Or was it
    “Do you want a Seat/Table near the Window?”
    Yeah, what’s wrong with that?

    THERE ARE NO TABLES near the Windows at all!.
    There needs to be a Re-Model done for that/those rooms!.
    Or have that TAKEN out of the Menu/Book.

    But, it’s funny to make fun of it. (Only though, i was in there once so far.).

  2. sydnirella says:

    keep it up ganz i love the restorant

  3. Rachael says:

    I like this room but real food would make it more interesting. And I loved the party room. It was so much fun. I have the waiter outfit so I play a role every once in a while. I think that Ganz should have a vote on Webkinz Newz when their taking away a room. This way we could choose which one to get taken away. And Ganz, never let the trading room go away. Please listen Ganz.

  4. Sora says:

    The restaurant room is actually really fun in kinzchat plus! I love bugging the waiters for cheese, until they, ” run out “! Man, I love cheese with my syrup! Long live the restaurant room, and cheese!

  5. Ivory says:

    It is ok but I agree you should be able to eat there. And to be honest I liked the party room better. Why did you guys have to get rid of it? The party room was like the room that everyone went to next to the trading room of course.

  6. kidsgram says:

    I just don’t think this room is much fun. Sorry Ganz.

  7. webkinz user says:

    I think that you should really be able to serve real food.
    Also, it seems that everyone wants to be a guest and no one wants to be a waiter, so three cheers for all those waiters out there!

  8. Ginny says:

    I agree with some of u all. I go in the resautrant room but it is Boring! I liked the party room better. Besides we already had the super chef room( another yawn city room)!

  9. starry says:

    Eh, it is alright. No offense to the restaurant lovers, but I think I like the party room better.

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