Reminder! Play Peek-a-Newz and Win!

This month is all about style, so we’ve got a fantastic new Peek-a-Newz event for you! Just keep your eyes on Webkinz Newz for Hailey Elephant. When you see her, click on her! You’ll be able to win a fantastic clothing item for your pet. There are twelve different items to be won, and you never know which one you’ll get (some items are more rare than others)!

Good luck and have fun searching for Hailey!

75 Responses to Reminder! Play Peek-a-Newz and Win!

  1. happegirl says:

    Hi! Please help… Getting an error today after entering the verification code at the page “Peek-A-Newz Congratulations!!” “You found Hailey 5 times and have completed the Webkinz News May Makeover Peek-A-Newz challenge!” “Please enter the verification code.” Getting an error message that says “The website cannot display the page. Most likely causes: The website is under maintenance. The website has a programming error.” Please help & let us know when the verification page is fixed & working. We’re trying daily for the white dress & blue shoes. Thanks!

  2. owlcity says:

    way weird!!!! i havent seen haily at alllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so maddddd!!!!

  3. grannysseven says:

    I have played all week and get a code but do not get a prize

  4. Sylvver_Heart says:

    Ok SO I have played this thing 2x? And I am currently playing it and I can only seem to find 1 of the ppl u nee dot find… ANYWAYS this is a bit to difficult if u ask me XP

  5. sofunweilin says:

    Does anyone know which clothing items are more rare than the other? I’ve got Vintage Glam Shoes, Vintage Glam headband, Dapper coat, chic city top. My other account has another Chic city top, dapper pants and the other pants.

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