Reminder! Play Peek-a-Newz and Win!

This month is all about style, so we’ve got a fantastic new Peek-a-Newz event for you! Just keep your eyes on Webkinz Newz for Hailey Elephant. When you see her, click on her! You’ll be able to win a fantastic clothing item for your pet. There are twelve different items to be won, and you never know which one you’ll get (some items are more rare than others)!

Good luck and have fun searching for Hailey!

75 Responses to Reminder! Play Peek-a-Newz and Win!

  1. Doodle Dog says:

    I will start looking!

  2. alex says:

    how do you get hailey clothes do you find thim in the adds

  3. ladybug7777777 says:

    Why do you make it so hard to find Haley? I played for more than an hour yesterday looking but never found her.

  4. nikki says:

    how can you find geckos

  5. Arly says:

    How is she hidden? Does she float across the screen or is she behind ads or the like? Thanks!

  6. Gigi says:


  7. Emily says:

    I just got one here!

  8. carmen says:

    please tell me where haliey is. i need help i am going mad.

  9. carmen says:

    thanks for the fyi

  10. Webkinz User says:

    I just cant wait to get a clothing item!!!!!!!!!!

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