Ruby Retriever

The Ruby Retriever is July’s birthstone pet at the Ganz eStore. The Ruby Retriever is available every day in July and the end of July is almost here! If you’ve been thinking about getting the Ruby Retriever, you have until the end of the day on July 31st to get one.

Here’s a recap on the Ruby Retriever:

It comes with a Ruby Window and a Red Ruby Sundae.

You can see the Ruby Retriever in action here!

One Response to Ruby Retriever

  1. Silverstar says:

    Attention! Since Darkclaw has taken over my clan known as Silverclan. I have decided to make Streamclan. I accept that this is the only way to go. I have decided that I need 4 queens to have 2 kits each. If you join my right now, you can be an apprentice on Wednsday! If you join tommarow then you will be apprenticed on Thursday and so on. I will mentor you all. Please, do not reply to MY comments because I will often need to say something important so I wil need to reply to my comment so it will appear at the top. I have decided not to choose a deputy for a while because that was what lead to the invasion of Silverclan, my old clan that I was leader of. Please reply if you want to join or have any questions or concerns for the clan! Silverstar

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