Webkinz Road Trip Events: The Inside Scoop

What a Celebration we had for Webkinz 6th Birthday!!! Greg’s Hallmark on Friday, April 29th and Cheshire Cat Fine Toys on Sunday, May 1st were both fantastic, fun events.

Road Trip team member Neil had some fierce competition for the hula-hoop contest and dance contest but feels that he is improving his technique every day. For all you Webkinz fans, in the future, you better have your dancing shoes on.

The Mazin Hamster Plinko and the Jelly Bean Challenge were the favorite games played at both events. Make sure when you come to the Webkinz Road Trip events you receive your Virtual Road Trip Van card!

Our Road Trip Team loved hearing about all of your first Webkinz and the new styles you cannot wait to get your hands on.

32 Responses to Webkinz Road Trip Events: The Inside Scoop

  1. Andy says:

    Too sad we went to Greg in Lakeland on April 29th like the map used to shoe sad sad sad we waste gas my brother was so sad :(

  2. GASOUT says:

    could you come to washington please!!!!!! for the puyallup fair in september!

  3. Haley says:

    I live in Texas,and there’s only a few people who go 2 my school and have a Webkinz acount!!

  4. 07pajamasam says:

    I was at the Greg’s Hallmark Event and if you get a chance to go you gotta go!!!!!!!!!!! I got so many cool webkin prizes from all the games It Was AWESOME!!!!!

  5. cubgirl7 says:


  6. dewdrop says:

    another thing I got my I love My Webkinz weekly prize , so it shows I did log on ???

  7. Acres says:

    You guys should come to Connecticut! WHO CARES IF OUR STATE IS SMALL! We want you!

  8. Guten Tag! says:

    Uh, you were supposed to log in on April 29th.

  9. dewdrop says:

    Hi I know I have said this in a few different forums but I did not get my 6th birthday gift box , my username is dewdrop65 Help please , and of course I logged on the 1st of May :(

    • thecreativeone says:

      dewdrop, did u log in on April 29th? If not, that’s why u didn’t get you’re gift. the 29th was Webkinz Day, not May 1st.

      • dewdrop says:

        thanks for replying yes I logged on the 29th and the 1st I am in Australia (time zone difference) I log on everyday as I hate to miss out on anything :) thanks again btw this is the first time I have missed out on getting prizes also my friend has a account on my computer and she got her gift box ??

        • Checkpoint A says:

          dewdrop- you should probably call Ganz and ask them about it. Many peoplehave done this to see if Ganz can fix a problem and succeeded. I can’t tell you the number because the comment detector won’t let me but try looking it up online or see if you can find it on the login page. – Hope this helps.

          • dewdrop says:

            Hi Checkpoint A , thanks for your help, I live in Australia so it would be a bit expensive to call up Ganz, we have a purchaser/distributor here but they have been of no help in the past :( But I am very happy to say that a lovely fantastic Webkinz member has sent me the 6th birthday trophy ,poster and cake . I would like to thank all the people who have tried to help me ,you guys make webkinz a great place to play . All the best take care and Happy webkinz playing :) :)

        • CocaCola says:

          My granddaughter did not get hers either and she logged in on Webkinz Day. I telephoned Ganz for her and they checked and seen she did not get it. They put it in her account right away and were very nice about it. Just call them..they are great in helping with problems.

    • fanofthefrog says:

      The same thing happened to me only i didn’t get my easter gift box!

    • Grace says:

      I’m now really, really, sorry for the kids in the hospital.

  10. lorym says:

    To Who it may concern, In the video “Do You Want to Party” the deejay is a gold and white cat! not a goldfish!! There are no goldfish in that video. So the answer to your question is all wrong.

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