Webkinz Road Trip Events: The Inside Scoop

What a Celebration we had for Webkinz 6th Birthday!!! Greg’s Hallmark on Friday, April 29th and Cheshire Cat Fine Toys on Sunday, May 1st were both fantastic, fun events.

Road Trip team member Neil had some fierce competition for the hula-hoop contest and dance contest but feels that he is improving his technique every day. For all you Webkinz fans, in the future, you better have your dancing shoes on.

The Mazin Hamster Plinko and the Jelly Bean Challenge were the favorite games played at both events. Make sure when you come to the Webkinz Road Trip events you receive your Virtual Road Trip Van card!

Our Road Trip Team loved hearing about all of your first Webkinz and the new styles you cannot wait to get your hands on.

32 Responses to Webkinz Road Trip Events: The Inside Scoop

  1. zsp100 says:

    We came all the way from Canada and went to Greg’s Hallmark Webkinz Event during our Orlando trip. It was one of the highlights of our trip. They gave out tons of prizes and it was a lot of fun – it made the 1 hour drive from Orlando worth it.

  2. sammy2a says:

    just come to all of the and Canada to i have heard limitations with not in canada and it is sad so come to Canada and the us and if europe does webkinz which i have no idea about but let every one have a chance whether its Nc, Connecicutt, washington. or, WHERE EVER!!!! come so whos with me the bus comes to every place in america and if you are a user in canda, in canda! So whos with me {please reply.}

  3. tiffany says:

    are you going to come to Michigan i’ve been waiting for that for a long time

  4. CocaCola says:

    I am so sad. Webkinz went to ohio last year and totall bypassed Michigan

  5. Tracy says:

    I took the kids for their first road trip and they enjoyed it so much. Thanks you for making the day so enjoyable for my kids.. The road trip crew where just so much fun, and they made a very small and busy place a very great time.

  6. Kathy says:

    Why don’t you come to Canada cause there are a lot of Webkinz fans here in Canada as well.

  7. pandapoo1322 says:

    i dont even get what the ‘road trip’ is!!!!!!

  8. Bamakitty77 says:

    PLEASE COME TO SOUTH CAROLINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE NEVER SEEN YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :-( :-( :-( :cry: :cry:
    PLEASE COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-(

  9. Elizabeth says:

    The road trip map shows an event in Houston today at a “Children’s Hospital”. I called Texas Children’s gift shop and the gift shop at Memorial’s Children’s Hospital, and neither said they are having a Webkinz event. I hated to call a hospital to bother them, so thought I’d post in case anyone else was thinking of calling around. I only called the gift shops, and actually Texas Children’s has more than one and I only called one, but she said they don’t even carry Webkinz!

  10. Personaldictionary says:

    Come to Indiana it rox here Every kid i know that has a webkinz acount (37 to be exact) wants you to come

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