In-Room: Float Away Fantasy Fridge

Take a look at the Cloud Sheep’s Float Away Fantasy Fridge in room! The Cloud Sheep will be available at the Ganz eStore soon.

3 Responses to In-Room: Float Away Fantasy Fridge

  1. Little Miss SUNSHINE says:

    Hey, it’s Little Miss SUNSHINE

  2. It isn't just you! says:

    My user name has been copied alot too and many rude things have been implied. This is a kid’s website and immature behavior is the norm I guess. Whatever and just keep swimming, just keep swimming :)

  3. Moonstar says:

    Can you guys please stop copying me? What is it that you want? Do you want me to give you some really cool names? Like, Streaming Silver Starfall? I am asking you as a person to please stop copying me. Cause, I have feelings too. I like to forgive people, if you stop, we can be friends. Lets just put this whole things behind us, but can you please stop? -Moonstar♣♥♣

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