Sneak Peek: Candy Corn Mouse

Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz to find out how you can get your hands on this new virtual pet!

85 Responses to Sneak Peek: Candy Corn Mouse

  1. ndnmoon says:

    I have all the other Webkinz mice so I am going to have to get this one!!! I love the mice and have a pretty cool mouse collection so I am just waiting to find out HOW we can get this one!!! I wish they would just go ahead and let us know what to expect, even if it’s not time for the contest or whatever yet.

  2. fuitfly says:

    CUTE!!!!!! thats like the best halloween one ganz has made!!!

  3. pandajay147 says:

    I’m so excited

  4. Webkinz User says:

    Awww!!! I love that little tiny mouse!!!! :D

  5. colio127 says:

    lol so cute = )

  6. Blooms22 says:

    wow this pet is super cute and have you noticed that they have been coming out with a lot of halloween pets latey

  7. kiddykat11 says:

    Cute! It would make a great buddy for my Black Cat, Thirteen. I just hope it’s not an eStore pet.

  8. CountryGirl says:

    Oh and also-Ganz may start making a lot more mice too, since there was a MistleToe Mouse around Christmastime. Please Ganz, make some more HORSES please! ~CC

  9. jellybeanfreak123 says:

    it is so adorable

  10. earnestandjerry says:

    love it

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