Sneak Peek: Creative Studio Theme











It’s Elwin and I am back to announce that rest of the theme Hailey and I helped to develop will be available in the W Shop on April 11! It’s called the Creative Studio Theme and it really expresses our creative style. This theme is perfect for anyone with a creative side, whether you are a painter, sculptor, seamstress, musician or actor!

The final set of items will be released on April 11 and will include the Potter’s Wheel, Art Station, Music Note Wall Art, Music Note Chair, Music Guitar Table, Art Painting Wall Art, Art Easel, Potter Kiln Oven, Theatre Bed, Ice Sculpture Fridge and Beanstalk Art Poster.

So get your creative juices flowing with this inspired new theme. We hope you’ll have as much fun creating with it as we do.

88 Responses to Sneak Peek: Creative Studio Theme

  1. gabergirl says:

    Now this is a great room theme!! I love it.. I love it all.. there’s so much you can do with all these great new pieces.. and having gotten a little help thru the peek a newz it shouldn’t take long or that much money to finish with what i have in mind.. Really Great Job…

  2. LoxieLu says:

    Awesome today then! I am logging straight on after writing this and buying it! I have sold all my furniture in my pets playroom, so I have lots of kinzcash to buy some new items!

  3. tinygma says:

    I just wanted to tell everyone !!!! The sink with paint on it is interactive like the bathtub. But you brush teeth and other stuff instead !!!!! :)

  4. Girly Girl 1 says:

    Im gonna make a fashion Design studio!! Add me Username:Valinsia before my friends list Is full!The first one to be my friend Will get a kind style rare outfit!

  5. popprincess34 says:

    Cant wait for the rest of the theme to be out!

  6. Rinrin says:

    I am sooooooooooooooooo excited for April 11, which is tomorrow!

  7. Grelot says:

    Grelot, I love it! I have started the room cant wait till they come out!

  8. sunshineak says:

    Wow!!! it totally ROCKS….!!!!! I like it….im so getting it how creative…

  9. Anna says:

    Finally a FREE Wshop theme that rocks! thanks webkinz! Now PLEASE raise the Kinzcash we win in the arcade so we can afford this stuff. The prices have gone up a ton in the last years but you’re still paying out next to no Kinzcash on the arcade games. We need a cost of living increase please :)

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