Sneak Peek: Dragon Queen Robe













They say getting there is half the fun, but the trip to the mall just got even more fun, because SPREE! is offering some cool new prizes! The new prizes will be available starting March 28!

Remember to play SPREE! every day for a chance to win prizes like this majestic Dragon Queen Robe. You can win prizes on your journey by collecting shopping bags. There are five colors of shopping bags and when you collect one of each color, you win a shopping bag containing a fabulous prize.  Every roll takes you closer to the mall where you can spend credits to buy great items you can’t get anywhere else.

But you have to play to win so log in every day to play SPREE! and head to the mall!

61 Responses to Sneak Peek: Dragon Queen Robe

  1. shy says:

    You hav to colect the shoping bags to get the robe. i think, i’m not quite sure.

  2. Midna says:

    I WANT THAT!!!!!! I LOVE dragons so this is perfect for me hopefully this is a shopping bag prize. ~Midna

  3. dune456 says:

    I got this outfit and the sand castle sofa and they are both awesome!! The prizes are really great

  4. blondescooby says:

    i love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. SapphireSea says:

    I am so getting it! Good gravy, I’m going to need a lot of mall credits to get all this stuff! ~~O~~SapphireSea~*~*~

  6. Pink Pony says:

    Hey If i get a Lava dragon or any kind of dragon i would dress it up like that With her very own main Hall! and a thrown.!.

  7. Bluestar says:

    OMG!sooooooooooo ganna get one!

  8. lovepuppygirl says:

    Thats so neat!!!!!!

  9. bobble says:

    Its amazing… all three members in my family want all these new items. One has 1700+ points, another 1250 and poor old me only has 800 because I got the fountain last. Going to be some major shopping once we reach there in the next few dice rolls – we’re all close too, had to skip one today just to keep from winning before the update. lol Awesome idea’s Ganz!!

  10. Pippin says:

    I’ve got one! It’s so nice! I waited outside the mall for 4 days so I would be able to buy a new item on the first day. I thought the wings might flap- but they don’t. Still a very, very nice outfit

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