Sneak Peek: Holstein Cow

Look who’s moo-ving on in to Webkinz World—it’s the Holstein Cow! This refreshing friend likes to keep their favorite treats nice and cold in their Milk Jug Fridge, and if they could fill it full of only one item, they’d definitely choose an Udderly Delicious Sundae!

86 Responses to Sneak Peek: Holstein Cow

  1. xSnowyHuskyx says:

    Really cute pet! PSF is kinda weird though. I might get this pet ^^.

  2. bearluva007 says:

    Just one word: ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Saranb1 says:

    It’s pretty cute! I probably won’t be getting it though. The PSI is kinda weird. Is it supposed to be a fridge? I don’t like the PSF at all though. The pets is REALLY cute though!

  4. Midnightmagic says:

    I wish the cow was colorful. :[

  5. Ana k. says:


  6. katie says:

    This cow is so adorable best webkinz cow ever!!! And I agree with CanadianKid black angus cows would be awsome.Will so be getting this pet when I get back from vacation!!!

  7. ferretfriend says:

    @ Canadiankid, I like your idea, I think they should!

  8. PolarBear4Ever says:

    The cow is cool but the PSF is a little weird.

  9. . says:

    why dont they try making an egypitan dog or an mexican maya jauguar like in the maya times or maya spider monkey

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