Sneak Peek: Holstein Cow

Look who’s moo-ving on in to Webkinz World—it’s the Holstein Cow! This refreshing friend likes to keep their favorite treats nice and cold in their Milk Jug Fridge, and if they could fill it full of only one item, they’d definitely choose an Udderly Delicious Sundae!

86 Responses to Sneak Peek: Holstein Cow

  1. droolia says:

    I soooo want it! I hope that it comes to the Webkinz retailer near me, because we only have one unless you drive a few hours east or south. I really love that cow, and the sundae is cute, too.

  2. princesspearl01 says:

    what’s a PSI and PSF?

    • SkittlesForMeAndYou says:

      PSI means pets specific items. (the item that comes with your pet). PSF means pets specific food. (the food that comes with your pet). Hope that helped! thanks for reading! ~Skittles

  3. webkinzSam24 says:

    I love this pet but the psi <:/

  4. likewebkinz4o9 says:

    best and cutest ever WEBKINZ pet!!!!!! ;} wonderful job GANZ ;} ;{}

  5. petgirl195 says:

    I hope they do not give it anything to make it have to be a girl (like udders) It kinnda looks like a boy

  6. pamber1 says:

    My birthday is in july and I might be getting him! I asked for him so who knows?! :)

    • pamber1 says:

      I really want it, too. I mean, look at him! How cute! If I get him, I’ll name him Moo. I would have named him Moo Moo, but I already have a cow named Moo Moo. I also have a cow that looks like him, but is pink instead. I named her Strawberry. (:

  7. Hailstorm says:

    THE PSF is um………..interesting……. Heh. Heh.

  8. lovepuppygirl says:


  9. Pink&Black---Dots says:

    I LOVE THIS COW!!! But my account isn’t expired yet so i can’t buy him. But when it expires I will he is adorable!!!

  10. blake says:

    this is going to be so cool

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