Sneak Peek: Meerkat

It’s no mirage—the Meerkat is ready to stand up and get noticed in Webkinz World! This sandy scavenger loves to catch some rays on their Desert Tree Sunning Station, and when it comes time for a meal that’s more than a morsel, they would just love some Kalahari Quiche!

30 Responses to Sneak Peek: Meerkat

  1. lovepuppygirl says:

    Sweet PSI!!!!!!

  2. cathouse2 says:

    This pet is not really my kind of pet. The avatar does not looks as cute as the plush. I might get another pet. >>cathouse2

  3. lovesanimals says:

    Timon from the lion king. :) Or

  4. Skiddly says:

    What an interesting PSI! This pet is really cute in plush, but I’m not so sure about the virtual version. This pet is alright, but it’s not my favourite.

  5. Cats Rule says:

    I don’t think they should have added stripes. Meerkats don’t even have stripes. Oh, they kind of do, but not as prominent as this Webkinz version. The plushie is much cuter.

  6. babycakes416 says:

    so cute

  7. WebkinzRulz says:


  8. froggyliker10 says:

    Savannah is an awesome name for it

  9. designergirl101 says:

    Only one word to describe this pet “CUTE”. I love it’s PSI food item. I think I would name it Cari ,Sammy,or maybe even savannah.Let me know what name you think is the best.I will really think about getting this pet.:)

  10. froggyliker10 says:

    this is so cool

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